Anne (netmouse) wrote in con_or_bust,

Offer: personalized 1st Edition of Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman

coverItem Name and Description: 1st Edition hardcover of Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman, signed by the author to name specified by whomever wins the auction.

This is a cloth-bound hardcover with slipcase. Neil's own sketch of a 7-legged spider appears in silver on the front cover of the book inside the slipcase.

Starting Bid: $15

Notes: Neil has agreed to sign this 1st edition hardcover to the auction winner. When auction is over, please specify name to whom you want it signed. I will send it to him to get signed and The Fabulous Lorraine (his assistant) will send it on to you. There may be a time delay in this loop as Neil is very busy and often traveling.

Tags: offer: book, offer: signed item

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